Μεταπηδήστε στο περιεχόμενο

Ανοιχτός Κατάλογος εξεύρεσης συνεργασίας

Σύνδεση χειροτεχνών με πιθανούς πελάτες μέσω προβολής των έργων και υπηρεσιών τους

Anna Duda

 Sweden, Stockholm

 Τι σκέφτεστε;

A famous philosopher once said that if you choose a job you love, you will never work a day in your life (Confucius). As a passionate artist, I found my calling in working with clay and glass. I really enjoy watching how shapeless clay can be transformed into beautiful and practical objects or decorations by shaping it with my own hands.

But working with ceramics also requires humility. Despite my skills and experience, there is always a risk that the finished work may be lost because the items may break during drying or firing in the oven where they mature at temperatures up to 1200 degrees. Ceramics is an art form that is really about the elements – earth, water, air and fire.

I also develop my artistic skills by painting on glass and canvas with acrylic paints. Watching my colorful and imaginative creations come to life on the glass gives me great satisfaction and happiness. My work brings a lot of joy to many people and is a great example of how art can be inspiring and give a lot of positive emotions.

-Anna Duda

 Τι με εμπνέει;

 Υλικά/Τεχνικές που δουλεύω
  •  Ακρυλική μπογιά
  •  Κεραμική
  •  Σχέδιο & ζωγραφική
  •  Κοσμήματα
  •  Ύφασμα
  •  Ακουαρέλα
 Που θα με βρείτε


 Επικοινωνήστε μαζί μου για:
  •  Συνεργασία
  •  Καλλιτεχνικές Διαμονές