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Katalgu Miftuħ għat-tlaqqigħ tal-ħaddiema tas-sengħa

Jgħaqqad l-artiġjanat mal-klijenti potenzjali billi juri l-prodotti u s-servizzi tagħhom.

Renata Rosén

 Sweden, Sollentuna

 X’hemm vibe tiegħi?

My name is Renata Rosén. I am Polish and have been living in Stockholm for 23 years. I am the creator of my own brand. I am also a person full of passion. My passion is still life photography.

My journey with photography began a few years ago. I prefer street art and natural portraits. I can capture interesting moments, lights, and show them from a different perspective.

My second passion and joy is dancing. I love to dance tango. This dance allows me to express myself freely and learn new movements that enrich my life.

I am not only a person full of passion, but also sensitive and open to art, music, theater, film, and people. I capture every note, gesture, and word that speaks to my soul. I love to meet people. Every conversation can be inspiring.


My inspiration comes from life, people, travels, art, books, dance, and fashion.

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