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Katalgu Miftuħ għat-tlaqqigħ tal-ħaddiema tas-sengħa

Jgħaqqad l-artiġjanat mal-klijenti potenzjali billi juri l-prodotti u s-servizzi tagħhom.

Maria Charalambous

 Cyprus, Nicosia

 X’hemm vibe tiegħi?

Maria Charalambous

 I have many passions, the two most important being design and creating jewellery. Through my creations I express my personal feelings, thoughts, global issues or even my own personal upheavals, it is often more challenging to elicit ones experience or deep inner thoughts with words, however my jewellery gives me an outlet that allows me to explore my inner world .

Handmade jewellery the end result may slightly differ. Unique pieces .  


I have many passions, the two most important being design and creating jewellery. Through my creations I express my personal feelings, thoughts, global issues or even my own personal upheavals, it is often more challenging to elicit ones experience or deep inner thoughts with words, however my jewellery gives me an outlet that allows me to explore my inner world .

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You will find me @mcharastudio  Instagram and Facebook 

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