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Katalgu Miftuħ għat-tlaqqigħ tal-ħaddiema tas-sengħa

Jgħaqqad l-artiġjanat mal-klijenti potenzjali billi juri l-prodotti u s-servizzi tagħhom.

Agnieszka Łyżniak

 Poland, Rzeszów

 X’hemm vibe tiegħi?

I'm Agnieszka from Poland, a creative individual who has recently delved into the world of knitting. I'm on a journey to explore the art of crafting with yarn and needles, infusing my own unique style into every piece I create. I'm captivated by the endless possibilities of colors and textures, and the magic that happens when ordinary threads transform into extraordinary designs. 


I simply take inspiration from my surroundings and from my grandma, as she is the one who taught me to knit. Sometimes I also suggest ideas from my friends.  

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Contact with me is possible via Facebook, through my private account with my name on it.

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