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Katalgu Miftuħ għat-tlaqqigħ tal-ħaddiema tas-sengħa

Jgħaqqad l-artiġjanat mal-klijenti potenzjali billi juri l-prodotti u s-servizzi tagħhom.

Diana Co

 Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad

 X’hemm vibe tiegħi?

I find art as my getaway from all the mess that runs in the society. I mostly paint nature because we see so much concrete everywhere that I'm starting to miss nature more and more each day.


I get inspired from nature overall, I like looking at the sky while I'm sitting on the balcony and think about life. The sky always makes me feel better about the fact that there are so many buildings around, because it looks so endless and it's relaxing, it doesn't make me feel trapped.

 Materjali/Tekniki li naħdem magħhom
  •  Żebgħa akrilika
  •  Karta
  •  Kulur tal-ilma
 Kif biex jilħqu lili

I'm currently taking a break from social media, but I will update my profile as soon as I'm ready to jump back in.

 Ikkuntattjani għal:
  •  Proġetti kreattivi konġunti