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Katalgu Miftuħ għat-tlaqqigħ tal-ħaddiema tas-sengħa

Jgħaqqad l-artiġjanat mal-klijenti potenzjali billi juri l-prodotti u s-servizzi tagħhom.

Daniela Petrova

 Bulgaria, Blagoevgrad

 X’hemm vibe tiegħi?

A person with a passion for knitting that wants to keep the tradition going. The thought of transforming ordinary strands into a cozy creation that will keep someone warm makes me incredibly happy. Mostly I knit scarfs, blankets, and sweaters but I have created gloves and socks as well on multiple occasions. 


I come from a family of knitters, and I was accustomed to the knitting technique so young that I had the privilege to learn from my mother and grandma, so initially I got my inspiration from their crafts. It takes a lot of time for one piece to be completed, so very often I get new ideas while working on one. 

 Materjali/Tekniki li naħdem magħhom
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 Kif biex jilħqu lili

I'm working on a website, and I will update my profile when it's launched.

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