Page 41 - Матрицата на компетентностите на MicroHUB
P. 41
MicroHUB - promoting creativity microbusiness though
web tools in rural area
Annex 1 Scenario used for semi-structured interviews
The suggested scenario
Introduction of the interviewers:
o Name
o Organisation
o Any other relevant information
Introduction of the participants*:
o Work environment (training company, university, school, VET centre, local/national authority,
o Experience (e.g., How long have you been working in this sector?)
o Location (located in urban/rural area)
o Size of the company/organisation (micro/small/medium/large)
*Recommended -not compulsory
• Explain the project in brief + describe who is a MicroHUB target group (OECON will provide the
more detailed description and list)
• Explain that MicroHUB aims at Training Course for entrepreneurship mind set support and also
WEB portal and mentoring (for more see project proposal)
• Explain that MicroHUB Training Course will be built on EntreComp which consists of 3 main
areas and 15 competences and that interview questions are structure around them.
1.1 In your opinion, is it important for a crafter and artisans to be able to recognize a business
opportunity? Should they be proactively looking for it? What do they need to be trained in to gain
this competence?
1.2 To what extent do you think it is important for crafters and artisans to be creative and innovative
and to be able to adapt to trends? What do they need to be trained in to gain this competence?
1.3 Do you think crafters and artisans should be able to set goals for the future, to work towards their
vision? Do you think that the social entrepreneurship is important for them? What do they need
to be trained in to gain this competence?
1.4 How relevant is it for crafters and artisans to be able to make the most of the ideas and
opportunities? What do they need to be trained in to gain this competence?
1.5 What are the main reasons for crafters and artisans to behave ethically in conducting business?
Do they need to know more about (e.g.) sustainability and environment-friendly practices and are
these relevant to them? What do they need to be trained in to gain this competence?
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