Page 42 - Матрицата на компетентностите на MicroHUB
P. 42
MicroHUB - promoting creativity microbusiness though
web tools in rural area
2.1 How do you think self-awareness and self-efficacy relate to crafters and artisans? Is it important
for them to know their strengths and weaknesses? What do they need to be trained in to gain this
2.2 Are motivation and perseverance something crafters and artisans should pursue? In what
situations is it necessary they stay focused and don´t give up? What do they need to be trained in
to gain this competence?
2.3 To what extent do you think crafters and artisans should know how to use/apply resources they
have in hand, to be resourceful (material/non-material)? What do they need to be trained in to
gain this competence?
2.4 What do you think about crafters and artisans´ financial literacy and knowledge on finding sources?
Do they need skills such as bookkeeping, calculating tax, budgeting and crowdsourcing, grant
writing, arts fellowships, private donations… etc? What do they need to be trained in to gain this
2.5 How relevant is for crafters and artisans the ability to sell ideas and persuade others (e.g.,
effectively communicate, negotiate, taking leadership, to pitch ideas to get endorsement)? What
do they need to be trained in to gain this competence?
3.1 What kind of management skills should crafters and artisans have (e.g., the ability to manage
yourself, and other people successfully, to plan and organise, business proposal/plan writing skills
etc.)? What do they need to be trained in to gain this competence?
3.2 The crafters and artisans have to cope with uncertainty, ambiguity and risk. Are they sufficiently
prepared for it and if not, what do they require in order for them to alleviate such
risks/uncertainties? What do they need to be trained in to gain this competence?
3.3 What interpersonal skills should crafters and artisans - entrepreneur possess? (Working with
others, compromising, conflict handling, widening their networks and making contacts….). Apart
from these basis interpersonal skills, what other interpersonal skills may be considered important
for them? What do they need to be trained in to gain this competence?
A1. What other skills and competences, important for crafters and artisans should be taken into
account during the MicroHUB course design?
A2. What level of education do you think an average crafter and artisans have? (High school diploma,
bachelor´s degree etc.). To which EQF level the MicroHUB course should be devoted?
A3. What should support crafters and artisan’s entrepreneurial mind-set promotion?
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