Page 47 - Матрицата на компетентностите на MicroHUB
P. 47

MicroHUB - promoting creativity microbusiness though
                                               web tools in rural area

               Strongly agree
               Neither agree nor disagree
               Strongly disagree.

               7.2) The following are ways that I would describe myself

               I can stay driven
               I am determined
               I am resilient
               I do not give up easily
               I can focus on what keeps me motivated

               Mobilising Resources

               8.1) I find it easy to get and manage the resources that I need

               Strongly agree
               Neither agree nor disagree
               Strongly disagree.

               8.2) I know how to

               Manage resources (material and non-material)
               Use resources responsibly
               Make the most out of my time
               Get support

               Financial and economic literacy

               9.1) I find it easy to develop financial and economic know-how

               Strongly agree
               Neither agree nor disagree
               Strongly disagree.

               9.2) I can

               Understand economic and financial concepts
               Find funding
               Understand taxation

                 Този проект е финансиран с подкрепата на Европейската комисия. Това съобщение отразява
                 само възгледите на автора и Комисията не носи отговорност за каквото и да е използване на
                                           информацията, съдържаща се в него.
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