Page 46 - Матрицата на компетентностите на MicroHUB
P. 46

MicroHUB - promoting creativity microbusiness though
                                               web tools in rural area

               Confidentially agreements
               Copyright licenses
               Open and Public domain licenses

               Ethical and sustainable thinking

               5.1) Behaving ethically is of huge importance to me.

               Strongly agree
               Neither agree nor disagree
               Strongly disagree.

               5.2) I can easily identify practices that are not sustainable and their implications for the environment

               Strongly agree
               Neither agree nor disagree
               Strongly disagree.

               Competency Area 2: Resources

               Self-awareness and self-efficiency

               6.1) I find it easy to believe in myself and keep developing

               Strongly agree
               Neither agree nor disagree
               Strongly disagree.

               6.2) I find it easy to do the following

               Follow my aspirations
               Believe in my ability
               To shape my future
               To identify my strengths and weaknesses
               None of the above

               Motivation and perseverance

               7.1) I find it easy to stay focused and not give up

                 Този проект е финансиран с подкрепата на Европейската комисия. Това съобщение отразява
                 само възгледите на автора и Комисията не носи отговорност за каквото и да е използване на
                                           информацията, съдържаща се в него.
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